Haunted Hotels and Inns across America

Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Bullock Hotel, Deadwood, South Dakota by Kathy Alexander

Bullock Hotel, Deadwood, South Dakota, by Kathy Alexander


Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.

Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.


Lemp Mansion 1892

Lemp Mansion 1892


Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff, Arizona

Monte Vista Hotel, Flagstaff, Arizona


The Queen Mary at Long Beach, CA. Photo by Kathy Alexander.

The Queen Mary at Long Beach, CA. Photo by Kathy Alexander.

How fading are the ghosts we dote upon!
Like apparitions
seen and gone.
John Norris, “The Mediation”

© Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated May 2023.

Also See:

Ghostly Legends

Haunted Forts

Legends, Ghosts, Myths & Mysteries

Most Haunted United States