Vanished America

Giant conquerers of space and time by Grif Teller, 1931,

Giant Conquerers of Space and Time by Grif Teller, 1931.

Much has changed since North America was discovered more than 500 years ago. Life evolved from horses and carriages to railroads, from agriculture to manufacturing, and from the Industrial Revolution to the Internet. Change is inevitable.

The United States made more material progress in the 20th century than in the entire world combined in all the previous centuries. These many trends increased life expectancy and dramatically decreased infant mortality rates, and diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, typhoid, whooping cough, and pneumonia were not as fatal.

In the meantime, the United States has left behind Vanished Civilizations, Ghost Towns, Lost Trails & Highways, Roadside Attractions, Amusements, Landmarks and Buildings, Beloved Businesses, and Disappearances & Mysterious Deaths.

We step upon the threshold of 1900… facing a brighter dawn of civilization.
— New York Times, January 1, 1900

Clovis Culture

Clovis Culture

Businesses to the Wayside

Disappearances & Mysterious Deaths

Ghost Towns Across America

Lost Landmarks and Vanished Sites

Vanished Colonies and Civilizations of America

Buckskin Joe Street by Kathy Alexander, 2006.

Buckskin Joe Street by Kathy Alexander, 2006.

Blackbeard's Castle was once part of the amusement park at Buckroe Beach in Hampton, Virginia. Photo by John Margolies, 1985.

Blackbeard’s Castle was once part of the amusement park at Buckroe Beach in Hampton, Virginia. Photo by John Margolies, 1985.

Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated January 2024.

Penn Station in New York City

Penn Station in New York City.

Also See:

Destinations in America

Ghost Towns Across America

Lost Landmarks and Vanished Sites

States, Cities & Places Photo Galleries