Mountain Meadows Massacre Historical Accounts

How were these deaths compassed? and who did it? It is charged upon the Indians, by Mormons. But what Indians? These two gentlemen have related all they saw along the whole route. Except the band of twenty, they met returning from the massacre, in company with nearly as many more white men, they say distinctly that they saw no Indians, going or coming; and at the various villages, from Corn Creek to the Muddy, they saw no suspicious movements among them-no preparations for attack-no rejoicing-no trophies of victory, except those already named, in possession of Haight and Dame’s party. Those who were dressed as Indians in that party all talk English, and were on terms of equality with the Presidents. Is there any significance in this?

Since the above was written, the statement of Mr. Hones, concerning the outrages upon the last train heard of, has been made, and we have the following item which seems to identify the massacred train:

The train which has been so cruelly massacred was under the charge of Captain Baker, familiarly known as ‘Uncle Jack,’ from Carroll County, Arkansas – Silas Edwards and William Baker, son of the captain, are also known to have been in the train. At Cedar City, Mr. Hones saw President Haight riding a large bay horse which he recognized as having belonged to Mr. Silas Edwards. Was informed by Hatch, that young Baker had an opportunity of escaping, went a short distance but returned; was afterward wounded in the arm; again escaped from the massacre, and had proceeded about ten miles this side of the Muddy, when he met the Youngs who had escaped from San Bernardino. He was advised to return to the Muddy, which he did when he was met by Hatch and the Indians, and by them cruelly murdered.”

Another Emigrant Train Robbed on the Salt Lake Road:

On the 17th, another of the back trains of emigrants was heard from. Considerable anxiety has been manifested at their non-arrival. It was said that the foremost ones would wait for those in the rear, and thus form one company. It was also felt that the declarations of Mathews and Hunt, that the work of vengeance was at last begun, were significant of death to more than those who fell at Mountain Meadow. The intelligence we here have brought by nine men who arrived on the 17th from their train.

They state that, at Cedar City, the emigrants deemed it advisable for their safety to employ Mormon guides to conduct them through to California. After much trouble, they hired eight guides, paying them in advance $1815. In addition, they also hired an Indian. The guides and this Indian were on the most familiar terms during the journey. On their arrival at the Muddy, there was no Indian in sight. The savage they had hired when the enemies of Americans rushed out from concealment, to the number of two or three hundred, and attacked the stock of the emigrants, who drew their weapons to defend their property. On seeing this, the guides said to them:

“If you fire a gun we will leave you instantly.”

Upon this they desisted, believing their guides were about to interfere in their behalf.

The enemy, who is reported to have been dressed and painted like bad looking Indians, succeeded in driving of 326 head of cattle and 5 horses. The guides, except the veritable Hatch, already spoken of by Powers and Warn, followed the Indians, having previously borrowed several revolvers from the emigrants. Hatch, who bids fair to become infamous, remained until the rest had gone out of sight, when, saying he would go after the cattle, he also left, and neither guide, revolvers, cattle nor Indians, were afterward heard of.

When these men left the train it was nearly destitute of provisions, having been unable to purchase anything in the Mormon settlements. They state that the object of the thieves seemed to be to steal and plunder, as they made no attack upon the lives of the company. The men who brought this intelligence were ten days on the road, having left the Muddy on the 7th, and arrived at San Bernardino on the 17th instant. The last three days they traveled without provisions. They came in on foot-the distance being 250 miles. Immediately on their arrival, two relief trains were sent out from San Bernardino, by the two parties there, each one vying who should outdo the other in their charitable work.

A Voice from San Bernardino:

The Independent Party of San Bernardino had a meeting the other day. This party is respectable as to numbers, and embraces more than one-third of the people; the majority being Saints. Their resolution is herewith annexed, and forms an interesting link in this veritable history:

Fort Regulator

San Bernardino, October 17, 1857

Whereas, the officers of this county are all Mormons or their firm supporters; and they, the Mormons, are the sworn enemies to our government; and the officers and sureties are irresponsible men; and the most of them are preparing to leave for Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory; we, therefore, deem it unsafe to trust them with the public revenue; and in consideration of the foregoing, it was unanimously

Resolved, That we, the independent citizens of San Bernardino County, California, will not pay taxes or revenue to any person now in office in this county, and that we will assist and defend each other if any officer in this county should proceed to enforce payment by virtue of his office.

Frederic Van Leuvan, President
Charles Ferguson, Clerk

Just while we were greatly interested in the report of these outrages, there arrived at San Pedro, a vessel from Australia, with over seventy converts, the fruits of the labors of a fellow named Wall, who is recognized by persons here as a Danite from Fillmore, and as they say, one of the biggest rascals alive. He came to town the night of the meeting and remained till morning, when he was waited upon by a committee (self-constituted) who greeted him in such a decided manner, that he was glad to escape, declaring that he had too much regard for his own life to endanger it by remaining here. The deluded wretches he was conducting to Zion were all women and children but nineteen.

Our citizens at first proposed to re-convert this crowd and thus save them from some of the miseries to which they are about to subject themselves, but they are allowed to go on their mournful journey uninformed.

There are few local items of interest. Public attention has been much engrossed by these outrages, and almost every one of those particularly who have been on the Salt Lake road generally winds up with “Let Government call for volunteers-I should like to take a turn at those fellows!”

Were a call made, half of our population would respond, so bitter is their experience. The general opinion here with intelligent men who know the audacity of Brigham Young is that the small force which are advancing upon Utah, will all be cut off.

One more item. One of the speakers at our meeting said that the arms of Utah are a beehive, protected by a lion rampant, at whose feet is the American eagle, couchant, and badly plucked.

There is a good deal of dissatisfaction among our farmers, at the negligence of the Agent of Agricultural Fair, Mr. Ferguson. He came here, spent considerable time in searching for a boarding house, looked at two or three vineyards, and left. The corn and tobacco planters, at the Monte, were not pleased at this neglect. Three cornfields, two fields of tobacco, and one patch of immense onions would have been offered for premiums. I send you a specimen of the tobacco raised by Mr. Marshall, and which was prepared for the Fair. I eschew tobacco, but it seems to me there is a very agreeable aroma to this. You, perhaps are a judge of the weed. If so, give us a judgment.

On the 17th of this month, it was reported in town that the San Bernardino people are purchasing large quantities of powder of our merchants, to be sent to Salt Lake. This report, taken in connection with others, that arms and powder had been recently forwarded to Salt Lake, via San Diego, and also that five hundred destination shows that the Mormons are making good use of their time, in preparing to meet Uncle Sam’s forces. . . .

I nearly omitted to tell you that I am informed by a person who saw the document, that Captain Hunt, of San Bernardino, has written by this steamer to the Governor, for rifles and ammunition to suppress the insurrection in that county, and also to fight Indians! This is all pretense. All the rifles and ammunition they receive are instantly forwarded to Salt Lake, where the majority of these people are expected soon to depart.