Athapascan Family

Athapascan Hupa Female Shaman, Edward Curtis, 1923

Athapascan Hupa Female Shaman, Edward Curtis, 1923.

The Athapascan Family was the most widely distributed of all the Indian linguistic families of North America, formerly extending over parts of the continent from the Arctic coast far into northern Mexico, from the Pacific Ocean to Hudson Bay at the north, and from the Colorado River to the mouth of the Rio Grande at the south. The languages that compose the Athapascan family are plainly related to each other and stand out from the other American languages with considerable distinctness because of certain peculiarities.

Phonetically, they were rendered harsh and difficult for European ears because of a series of guttural sounds, use of tone, many continuants, and frequent checks and aspirations. Albert Gallatin assigned the name Athabaskan in his 1836 classification of the languages of North America.

The wide differences in physical type and culture and the differences in language point to a long separation of the family, certainly covering many centuries. The Athabaskan family is conventionally divided into three groups based largely on geographic distribution: Northern Athabaskan, Pacific Coast Athabaskan, and Southern Athabaskan. Northern Athabaskan was spoken in northern North America, particularly in Alaska and the Yukon, and included 31 languages. The Pacific Coast Athabaskan languages were spoken in southern Oregon and northern California and included seven different languages. The Southern Athabaskan languages were spoken primarily in the Southwest, including Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Sonora, Mexico. Various groups spoke the languages of the Apache and Navajo peoples.

Athabaskan Languages courtesy Wikipedia.

Athabaskan Languages courtesy Wikipedia.

Compiled by Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated May 2024.

Also See:

American Indian Tribes

List of Notable Native Americans

Native American Heroes and Legends

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