Copyright Policy


Copyright © 2003-Present Legends of America

All rights reserved for all photos and content. Legends of America, unless otherwise indicated, either owns the intellectual property rights in the underlying HTML, text, images, and other content that is made available to you on this site, provides credit to the owner or submitter of the content, the material is in the public domain, or is utilized under “fair use” policies.

For use of material on Legends of America see our Reproduction/Reprint Policy.

Use of Other Works:

Legends of America never intends to infringe on another’s copyright. If you are the owner of intellectual property used on this site and you believe that it is being used without your permission, please Email us or contact us via regular mail at: Legends of America, 28926 Cedar Hill Loop, Warsaw, MO 65355.

Historic Photographs:

We use thousands of photographs in our articles of the American West and American History. While the vast majority of images displaying current views of destinations in the west are owned by Legends of America or are submitted by our readers, other pictures are also utilized with credit given to the photographer and website where found. We also utilize hundreds of photographs provided by public domain resources such as the National Parks System, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and other United States Government entities. Other historic photographs are utilized under the copyright law of the United States:

For works first published before 1978, the complete absence of a copyright notice from a published copy indicates that the work was never protected by copyright. U. S. copyright in any work published or copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923, has expired by operation of law, and the work has permanently fallen into the public domain in the United States.

Restored Photographs:   That being said, more than half of our historic photographs have been painstakingly restored, taking out many defects that old photos often display – noise, tears, watermarks, etc. This restoration process makes the photos exclusive to us and cannot be utilized elsewhere without written permission. Those that have been restored appear in sepia tones on the website.